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Tuesday, 21 August 2012

BREAKING NEWS: Janet Jackson CONVERTED TO ISLAM . . . In Preparation For Her $20M Wedding!!

This is to make a final wake up call or reminder for those who have been misled and ridiculed for the so-called Greater Somalia.There is nothing wrong with having peace in Somalia, but reunification is a dream of the past and will never happen until a living camel manages to pass through the thread-hole of the needle. Somaliland has already taken its decision voted by all its people, no need of people like outsiders who are daydreaming of impossible missions that will never takeplace until the whole world perishes.
Southerners should mind their own words, there is and will never be a so-called greater Somalia unless you are being fooled or brainwashed and be careful on wasting your time on false and never practical dreams. And for my beloved Somalilanders, resilience and patience are the key attributes to these dark times and hardwork and optimism will pave the way for our unquestioned goal which is RECOGNITION.

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Regulator says no to Obama mortgage write-down plan

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top housing regulator rebuffed a plan by the Obama administration to cut mortgages held by struggling homeowners, a blow to the White House, which is keen to show voters it can help fix the housing market.
The regulator for government-run housing finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac said on Tuesday that using taxpayer-funded bank bailout money could encourage defaults and not make a big improvement in reducing foreclosures in a cost-effective way for taxpayers.
"The anticipated benefits do not outweigh the costs and risks," said the Federal Housing Finance Agency's head Edward DeMarco, who has come under intense pressure from the government to agree to the plan.
The regulator's decision drew an immediate rebuke from the Obama administration and Democratic lawmakers. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner disputed the agency's conclusions and urged DeMarco to reconsider his decision.
The housing market started deteriorating in 2006 and wiped out trillions of dollars in equity. Although the market has shown signs of recovery, about 11 million homeowners owe more than their properties are worth and the Obama administration has struggled with various taxpayer-funded programs to keep people in their homes.
"I do not believe it is the best decision for the country," Geithner told DeMarco in a letter released to the media.
The use of targeted principal reduction would "provide much needed help to a significant number of troubled homeowners, help repair the nation's housing market and result in a net benefit to taxpayers," Geithner said.
Despite several plans to tackle the country's housing problems, most of which is focused on giving homeowners the opportunity to refinance at lower interest rates, the administration has yet to come up with a plan to stabilize the market.
Obama, a Democrat, is trying to convince voters ahead of the November presidential election that his policies have helped the economy recover from dire days of the financial crisis and ensuing recession. His Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, has said the foreclosure process should be allowed to run its course and hit the bottom.

United flight temporarily diverted because of camera

(Reuters) - A "suspicious item," which turned out to be a camera, caused a United Airlines flight bound for Geneva, Switzerland, to be temporarily diverted to Boston on Tuesday night, according to officials.
Flight 956 from Newark, New Jersey, landed safely at Logan International Airport in Boston at about 9:10 p.m. so authorities could investigate a "suspicious item," Massachusetts Port Authority spokesman Richard Walsh said.
Passengers were taken off the plane and state police scanned the aircraft, Walsh said.
The troublesome item turned out to be a camera, which was x-rayed and cleared, Massachusetts State Police Trooper Thomas Murphy said. Passengers reboarded the plane, which took off again for Switzerland at approximately 10:30 p.m., Murphy said.
A spokesperson for United Airlines was not immediately available for comment.
(Reporting By Mary Wisniewski; Editing by Greg McCune and Stacey Joyce)

Friday, 8 June 2012

Ethiopian Airlines to Start New Services to Berbera

Flights to Hargeisa differed as Renovation of Runway not Complete
Press Release
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Ethiopian Airlines, the fastest growing airline in Africa, is pleased to announce the start of new flights to Berbera, the port city of Somaliland, as of July 1, 2012. Ethiopian will fly to Berbera daily using its Q400 aircraft, with three morning and four afternoon flights.
Ethiopian’s addition of Berbera to its network will bring its international destinations in Africa to 43, excluding its 17 domestic points, thus further solidifying Ethiopian’s position as the airline that provides the most convenient connection to and from Africa.
The resumption of flights to Hargeisa, the capital of Somaliland, scheduled for June 10, 2012 has been differed as renovation of runway at Hargeisa airport has not been completed. Once the renovation at Hargeisa airport is completed, Ethiopian plans to start flights immediately.
Berbera, a seaport town with the only sheltered harbor on the Southside of the Gulf of Aden, is playing an increasing role as an alternative sea trading door for the East Africa region. It is the most important city in Somaliland next to its capital city Hargeisa.
Ethiopian’s addition of Berbera to its network, in addition to strengthening trade networks in East Africa, will enable international travelers from the Middle East, Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas a much more convenient and easy access to the Somalia Region.
About Ethiopian
Ethiopian Airlines, the fastest growing airline in Africa, made its maiden international flight to Cairo in 1946 and now the Airline provides dependable services to 65 international destinations spanning four continents.
Ethiopian is proud to be a Star Alliance Member. The Star Alliance network is the leading global airline network offering customers convenient worldwide reach and a smoother travel experience. The Star Alliance network offers more than 20,000 daily flights to 1,293 airports in 190 countries.
Ethiopian is a multi-award winner for its commitment and contributions towards the development and growth of the African aviation industry and in recognition of its distinguished long-haul operations enhanced by the introduction of new routes and products. Recently, Ethiopian won Gold in the African Airline of the Year 2011/2012 Awards organized by the African Aviation News Portal. Ethiopian also received the 2011 AFRAA award for being consistently profitable over the years and has won the “AFRICAN CARGO AIRLINE OF THE YEAR 2011 Award” for its excellence in air cargo. Ethiopian also won the NEPAD Transport Infrastructure Excellence Awards 2009 and “the Airline of the Year 2009 Award” from the African Airlines Association (AFRAA).
With its acquisition of and firm orders for several new modern fleet, the airline is well positioned to pursue aggressively the implementation of its 2025 strategic plan to become the leading aviation group in Africa.

amazing story do you beleive!!??

NEW YORK(HWN):Inkastoo dunidu ay dhaqaalo xumo wajaheyso ayaa hadana mararka qaar waxaa muuqanaya sida ay ukala sareeyaan dadyowga aduunka.

Bruce Campbell waa nin udhashay wadanka mareykanka waxana uu kasoo jeedaa gobalka Oregon waxaana uu hoy ka dhigtay ama gurigii udagan yahay ka dhigtay diyaarad weyn oo ah nuuca Boing 727.
Koox saxafiyiin ah oo ka tirsan CNN-ka ayaa booqatay guriga diyaarada ah ee ninkaan waxaana markii ay la kulmeen uu usheegay in uu waligiis ku riyoonayay in uu kasoo dhex tooso guri diyaarad ah ayna uromoowday.

Diyaarada ayaa la sheegay in uu dhigtay meel keyn ah oo ku taala gobalka Oregon,waxaana la sheegay in labada baal ee diyaarada uu mid jaran jaro ka dhigtay lagu soo galo gurigiisa.
Waxaa la sheegay in uu ku kordhiyay hal musqul oo gooni ugu qubeysto ,isagoo dadka soo booqda si weyn halkaa ugu soo dhoweya.

Eng. Xaashi Wasiirkii Hore Ee Maaliyadda Oo Ka Qaybgalka Xukuumadda Somaliland Ee Shirarka Soomaalida Iyo Wadahadalada Ku Tilmaamay Murkacasho Siyaasadeed Oo Aan Loo Baahnayn

Hargeysa(ANN) Eng Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo ahaa Wasiirkii hore ee Maaliyadda xukuumadda Somaliland ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo, ayaa ku tilmaamay shirarka Somaliland ka qaybgashay ee London iyo Istanbuul kuwo muujinaya murkucasho siyaasadeed. Sidaa awgeed ku taliyay

inay xukuumaddu ka noqto wadahadaladii Somalia.
Eng Maxamed Xaashi oo ka mid ahaa Wasiiradii Madaxweyne Siilaanyo ka caydhiyay xukuumaddiisa horaantii sanadkan,  ayaa  saluug weyn ka muujiyey hanaankii Somaliland uga qayb-gashay shirarkaa oo ka qaybgalkooda uu ku tilmaamay inay mid muujinayay inay Madaxda Somaliland hoos geeyeen  masuuliyiinta TFG-da.
Eng Maxamed Xaashi oo maanta  shir-jaraa’id ku qabtay gurigiisa Hargeysa,  ayaa sidoo kale muujiyey sida aanu u jeclaysan shakhsiyaadka reer Somaliland ee mararka ay Somaliya ka hadlayaan adeegsada weedha ah “Walaalaheen”, isagoo tilmaamay in kalmadaasi ay tahay mid aan meesha ku jirin, maadaama buu yidhi ay dadkaasi dhibaato laxaadle u geysteen shacabka reer Somaliland.
Wuxuuna isagoo arrimahaa ka hadlaya yidhi,   “Inaga wixii inagu dhacay iyagga (Koonfurta Somaliya) kuma dhicin, waxa kale oo dhacay adduunkii 700 ilaa 800 oo sanadood la ururinayey waatii la boobay ee la gurtay, imikana inagu waxaynu nidhaahnaa walaaladeen, kalmadaasina inay meesha soo gasho may ahayn, waayo walaaladaa inay sidaa kuu galaan may ahayn ee inay kuu hiiliyaan ayay ahayd, markaa kalmada walaaladeen waa mid aan meesha qabanba”ayuu yidhi waxaanu intaa ku daray “Dalka markii aynu ku soo noqonay 1991-kii Magaalooyinku way wada burbursanaayeen, laakiin dib u dhiskoodii muddo inagumuu qaadan oo kumaynaan nasiib xumayn, markii aynu dawladnimadeenii la soo noqonay waxaynu la nimid fikir odhanaya Somaliya waynu ka wada hadlaynaa wixii inaga dhxeeyay iyo sidii aynu u noqon lahayn laba dawladood oo jaar ah, laakiin imika taasi waa arin aan aad loo tafsiirin,  lamana  odhan maxaynu ka wada hadlaynaa ee waynu wada hadlaynaa ayuun-baa la yidhaahdaa, maaha in dhibaatadii aynu xoriyada u marnay iyo intii dad inagaga dhimatay iyo intii xoolo la inagaga dhacay in maanta si dhibyar loo yidhaahdo way soo noqonayaan wax meesha ku jira maaha, laakiin waxa aynu ka wada hadlaynay waxay ahayd wixii inaga dhexeeyay ee may ahayn isku noqosho, imikana waxaad moodaa in mowqifkii wax iska bedaleen oo arinkii shisheeye daraf inaga soo galay oo shirarkan imika la wado waa shirar ay hogaaminayaan dawlado shisheeye, dawladahaasina waxay  arrintii ka dhigeen sidii aynu heshiinayno, madaxda Somaliyana sidaas ayay uga hadashaa. Marka laga soo bilaabo shirkii London iyo kii Istanbul waxaad arkaysaa soofadaran habow.”
Eng Maxamed Xaashi Cilmi oo sharaxaya wadahadalka Somaliland iyo Somalia, waxa uu yidhi,  “Waxaynu bedalnay siyaasadii ahayd lalama hadli karo ilaa ay dhistaan dawlad dadku soo doortay oo lagu kalsoon yahay, tan imika markaad eegto talaba ma hayaan oo waa loo talinayaa, markaa mowqifkaa cusub ee la leeyahay aynu la shirno oo aynu dhex fadhiisano, marka aad ka soo qaado shirkii London, Madaxwaynaheenu waxa uu tagay isaga oo Madaxwayne ah,  laakiin markii uu shirka galay Shariifka ayaa Madaxwayne inoo ahaa ilayn la inama ictiraafsanee, shirkii Istanbul-na wasiirradeenii tagay iyaga ayaa  u madax ahaa (TFG-da), waayo dadka shirkaasi joogay Somaliya ayay dawlad ahaan u aaminsan yihiin,  markaa halkaa khasaare ayaa inoogu jira, inaga oo ay tahay inaynu wada hadal la yeelano dad umaddu soo dooratay oo wax ka go’aan”ayuu yidhi.
Wuxuuna soo qaatay qaabka ay madaxda dawladda Taagatadaran uga hadlaan dhibaatadii shacbiga Somaliland loo geystay, isagoo yidhi, “Marka ay ka hadlayaan dhibaatadii ina gaadhay waxay yidhaahdaan cid walba waxbaa gaadhay, waxay yasayaan dhibaatadii ay inagu sameeyeen, laakiin iyagu (shacabka Koonfurta) is-gaadhsiiyey dhibaatada, laakiin inaga dawladii dalka (Taliskii Siyaad Barre) ayaa ina gaadhsiiyay.
Waxaan ku talin lahaa fikradeenii hore ee ahayd in lala hadlo marka ay wax noqdaan, waayo imika in lala fadhiisto ayaa ceeb ah, waxaanad moodaa in wada hadalkii inaga qaloocday, waxaanan leeyahay aynu arrinkaa dib ugu noqono oo aynu danteenii u soo noqono oo marka cid ay doortaan ee ay masuul noqdaan wixii ka wada hadlayno aynu ka wada hadalno.”
“Haddii aynu teena ku guulaysan waynu inaynu ta xun u diyaar-garowno ayaa inala gudboon oo aynaan wakhti iskaga lumin nimankan aan cidna matalin, waxaanan qabbaa inaynu ka soo noqono murgacashada inagu timid labadii shir ee London iyo Istanbul”ayuu yidhi. Eng. Xaashi isagoo ka talinaya haddii arrimuhu noqdaan kuwo madhalays ah.

Sunday, 3 June 2012


Saturday, 26 May 2012

اكتشاف مخطوطة مسيحية تبشر بنبوة محمد

  • اكتشاف مخطوطة مسيحية تبشر بنبوة محمدعرض صورةاكتشاف مخطوطة مسيحية تبشر بنبوة محمد
كشفت صحيفة بريطانية أن السلطات في تركيا عثرت على ما يُظن أنها النسخة الأصلية لإنجيل برنابا الذي بشر برسول يأتي من بعد المسيح عليه السلام اسمه أحمد، مما سيثير جدلا في المعتقدات المسيحية السائدة.
وذكرت صحيفة ذي ديلي ميل أن المخطوطة المكتشفة من إنجيل برنابا مكتوبة على جلد حيوان ويعود تاريخها إلى القرن الخامس الميلادي، لكن عُثر عليها قبل 12 عاما فقط.
ونسبت الصحيفة إلى وسائل إعلام إيرانية القول إن الإنجيل المكتشف ينص صراحة على أن المسيح عيسى بن مريم لم يُصلب، وأنه يبشر بمجيء النبي محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم ليكون خاتم الأنبياء.
على أن بعض الدوائر المسيحية وصفت الخبر الذي بثته أجهزة إعلام إيرانية على أنه من قبيل الدعاية المضادة للمسيحية التي "تثير الضحك".
وقد عثرت السلطات التركية على مخطوطة الكتاب المقدس عام 2000 عندما داهمت مقر عصابة تخصصت في تهريب الآثار والتنقيب عنها بطريقة غير مشروعة وحيازة متفجرات.
غير أن قمة الإثارة في هذا الاكتشاف حدثت في شهر فبراير/شباط هذا العام، عندما قيل إن دولة الفاتيكان -مقر القيادة الروحية للكنيسة الكاثوليكية في العالم- تقدمت بطلب رسمي للاطلاع على الإنجيل المذكور.
وتقول الصحيفة البريطانية إنه لا يُعرف حتى الآن ما إذا كانت تركيا وافقت على الطلب أم لا.
وتنسب الصحيفة إلى الإعلام الإيراني القول إن النسخة المكتشفة من إنجيل برنابا كُتبت باللغة السريانية المشتقة من اللغة الآرامية، وإن العالم المسيحي ينكر وجود مثل هذا الإنجيل.
وتشير "ذي ديلي ميل" إلى أن أصل المخطوطة غير معروف، إلا أن صحيفة "ناشيونال تيرك" -التي تصدر باللغة الإنجليزية في تركيا- أوردت أن النسخة المكتشفة كانت محفوظة بقصر العدل في العاصمة أنقرة قبل أن تُنقل تحت حراسة مشددة إلى متحف الإثنوغرافيا بالمدينة ذاتها.
وعلى الرغم من أن السلطات التركية تعتقد أن المخطوطة أصلية، فإن مراقبين آخرين -بحسب الصحيفة البريطانية- يشككون في صحتها.
وتنقل الصحيفة عن إريك ستيكلبيك -المحلل المتخصص في قضايا الإرهاب والمراقب عن كثب للشؤون الإيرانية- تصريحه لأحد المواقع الإلكترونية بأن النظام الإيراني دأب على محاولة القضاء على المسيحية بأية طريقة يراها ضرورية، "سواء كان ذلك بإعدام المرتدين إلى المسيحية، أو بحرق الإنجيل أو بمداهمة الكنائس السرية".
ووصف فيل لولر، في تعليق منشور بموقع ثقافي كاثوليكي على الإنترنت خبر العثور على مخطوطة إنجيل برنابا، بأنه بمثابة "تحدٍ إيراني مثير للمسيحية مثير للضحك".

International News Syria massacre in Houla condemned as outrage grows

This image – which cannot be independently verified – is believed to show the bodies of children in Houla awaiting burial
DUBAI — Western nations are pressing for a response to the massacre in the Syrian town of Houla, with the US calling for an end to what it called President Bashar al-Assad’s “rule by murder”.
UK Foreign Secretary William Hague has called for an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council this week.
The UN has confirmed the deaths of at least 90 people in Houla, including 32 children under the age of 10.
The Syrian government blamed the deaths on “armed terrorist gangs”.
Houla, in the central province of Homs, came under sustained bombardment by the Syrian army after demonstrations on Friday.
Activists say some of the victims died by shelling, while others were summarily executed by the regime militia known as the “shabiha”.
‘Flagrant violation’
The killings have sparked a chorus of international condemnation.
The EU, Arab League, France, Britain and Germany all expressed shock over the incident and called for an intensification of pressure on the Assad government, while the UN demanded that Syria stop using heavy weapons in populated areas.
Britain was consulting with its allies on a “strong international response” and was calling for an urgent meeting of the Security Council in the coming days, Mr Hague said.
“Our urgent priority is to establish a full account of this appalling crime and to move swiftly to ensure that those responsible are identified and held to account,” he said.
UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and UN-Arab League envoy Kofi Annan said the attack – one of the bloodiest episodes since the uprising began – was a “flagrant violation of international law”.
US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it an “appalling” massacre, saying President Bashar al-Assad’s “rule by murder and fear must come to an end”.
In a statement on Saturday, Mrs Clinton called the deaths an “atrocity” and said Washington would increase pressure on “Assad and his cronies”, who she said must give up power.
“Those who perpetrated this atrocity must be identified and held to account,” she added.
France’s Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius said he was making immediate arrangements for a Paris meeting of the Friends of Syria group, which includes Western and Arab nations, but not Russia or China, who have blocked previous attempts to introduce UN sanctions.
The EU’s foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton also condemned the incident.
Mr Ban and Mr Annan said the crime involved “indiscriminate and disproportionate use of force” and violated commitments by Syria’s government.
In April, Damascus pledged to implement a six-point plan brokered by Mr Annan, including a ceasefire and the withdrawal of heavy weaponry from urban areas.
Meanwhile, the opposition Free Syrian Army (FSA) said it could no longer commit to the ceasefire unless the Security Council could ensure that civilians are protected.
In a statement, the FSA said that if urgent steps were not taken, then Mr Annan’s plan was “going to hell”, AFP reports.
It said killings in Syria were taking place “under the eyes of the UN observers,” and called on states to “announce the failure of the Annan plan.”
Violence in Syria has continued despite the deployment of some 260 UN observers sent to oversee a ceasefire which the BBC’s Jim Muir in neighbouring Lebanon says is now “pretty fictional”.
The head of the observer mission in Syria, Maj-Gen Robert Mood, called the massacre a “brutal tragedy”, but did not say who carried out the murders.
After a UN visit to the town on Saturday, he said they could confirm “the use of small arms, machine gun[s], artillery and tanks”.
“Whoever started, whoever responded and whoever carried out this deplorable act of violence should be held responsible,” Mr Mood said.
The UN has confirmed the deaths of at least 90 people, but the opposition Syrian National Council, as well as rights groups, put the toll higher.
Our correspondent says local people are angry that UN observers failed to intervene to stop the killing.
Abu Emad, speaking from Houla, said their appeals to the monitors failed to produce action.
“We told them at night, we called seven of them. We told them the massacre is being committed right now at Houla by the mercenaries of this regime and they just refused to come and stop the massacre.”
In the town of Kfarnabel in Idlib province, one protester on Saturday held a sign reading “Annan is singlehandedly responsible for the Houla massacre,” AFP reports.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

New rage keeps Somali boys off street: video games

MOGADISHU, Somalia (CMC) — Inside a hot, cramped room in the Somali capital, 10 sweating children sat on wooden desks, not unlike those found in schools. These boys, though, were not in class. They were staring at a small TV and tightly gripping video-game controllers.
Video games are the new rage in Somalia, a first-world entertainment option for teenage boys that wasn't permitted when ultraconservative al-Shabab militants controlled the capital. The insurgents — who were pushed out of Mogadishu last year byAfrican Union and Somali troops — banned recreational pleasures like movies and Nintendo.
With the militants gone, Somali teens and boys are bingeing on entertainment systems like Sony's PlayStation, a development with both positive and negative aspects.
Some parents say the video games are helping to keep teens off the street, which in turn lowers the chances they might be recruited by al-Shabab. But many teens admit to skipping class to practice their gaming skills.
"I spend half of my day here. The video games are fascinating," said Abdirizak Muse, a 16-year-old who dropped out of his Mogadishu school in early 2011 after al-Shabab militants dug trenches around it.
Among the positive changes in Mogadishu since al-Shabab's ouster are new restaurants, a vibrant beach front, the reopening of the national theater and video-game parlors.
Mohamed Deq Abdullahi, a father of two teens, watched his boys play a soccer video game in a sweltering parlor on a recent sunny day. He sees the boys' new hobby as a beneficial development.
"This is his daylong activity because I don't want him get bored and go to war," Abdullahi said. "The busier they stay the more tired they get and the more they ignore violence."
During the Islamist uprising in 2006 that gave way to the al-Shabab militia, schools were prime recruitment sources for militants seeking to bolster their ranks. Hundreds, likely thousands, of children were lured into combat.
While video-game shops where teens can pay a fee to play by the hour are popular, the minority of more affluent Somalis are buying game systems for home. Muse Haji, a father of six, bought a system for his kids.
"For us it's a choice between the lesser evil and the bigger evil," he said. "Instead of my children going out and being radicalized and used as human bombs, it's better for me that they stay at homes and play games.
"We focus on nonviolent games such as car racing, soccer and some educational games," he added.
Haji said that like all children of this generation, his children are fanatics about technology, a positive change from generations past when kids were more interested in firing weapons and joining war.
At a video game shop in the Wardhigley district of Mogadishu, dozens of kids waited in line earlier this week to get a chance to play. The shop charges the equivalent of 10 cents for 15 minutes of play. The atmosphere is eerily quiet except for the beeping, whooshing and cheering emanating from the games.
"I have been here almost an hour to wait for my turn. I will play a game of soccer with my friend again," Shafici Osman, 14, said with an air of desperation as he watched his friends play. "I like coming here every day. I am either playing or watching others play. I am happy because my parents approve, and they give me money to play."
The sudden popularity of video games has created a strong business opportunity. Arcade owner Ahmed Aden said he has watched his business quickly grow since opening seven months ago.
"We started with two screens and now we have eight. Our business is booming," he said.
A 2011 U.N. report said that children were being systematically recruited by militants across central and southern Somalia. Schools — both teachers and students — were consistent targets by recruiters, the report said.
The report said some 50 schools suspended operations in south-central Somalia because of growing demands from militia groups as schools were destroyed and damaged during clashes between insurgents and government and African Union troops.
Ali Abdi, a 15-year-old, said he was trained to fight with al-Shabab, but after returning home for a visit his mother wouldn't let him return to the militia. Abdi's brother opened an arcade, where Abdi now happily spends his time. He plans to return to school when militants no longer recruit from classrooms.
"Many of my friends are unlucky and have taken part in the violence in the country. Some of them have died. Others are carrying guns around. In some ways, video games have saved my life," Abdi said.

Monday, 30 April 2012

President Ahmed Silanyo: A Man of vision and purpose, A Nation Builder driven by Fairness, Compassion and Devotion to Duty.

July 1st 2010: A Day of Atonement for someone and a Day of reckoning for another!!
In a democratic constitutional State, the electoral behaviour and the choice of its citizens can be very decisive for the future perspectives of that country. The choice of the electorate is sometimes a crucial cause for many aspects. It defines the future and destiny of the country, as it determines the parameters of success and failure of its citizens. By exercising their constitutional rights and freedom of choice, the electoral decision of citizens can bring to power for two types of leaders:
Either a nation builder driven by fairness, compassion and devotion to duty; or a morally corrupt leader who has no sense of duty whose own interest and personal gain prevails over the interest of the country.
Unforgettable was the day in which the Somaliland citizens collectively realised their moral duty towards the nation heroes who liberated our country and laid down the roots and foundations of what Somaliland today is. Unforgettable was the day in which the majority of Somaliland people came into their senses and collectively rejected for another five years of confusion, cheating, and humiliation and deliberately thwarting the rule of law. Unforgettable was the day in which Somaliland citizens were united together to rectify and repair the mistakes made in the previous election. Unforgettable was the day in which Somaliland citizens pulled together to challenge the political dynamics on the ground and to realise the necessary changes. By opting for hope, optimism and change, the majority of Somaliland
electorate voted for KULMIYE party which represented the core values of what Somaliland citizens were long looking for. That day was July 1st 2010. It was a Day of Atonement (rehabilitation) for someone and a Day of reckoning for another!!
On July 1st 2010, HE Mr. Ahmed M. Mohamud (Silaanyo) became the second President of Somaliland Republic, freely and fairly elected by the people of Somaliland.
President Ahmed Silanyo was elected in a time when it seemed that the people of Somaliland Republic were leaving behind a period full of hope and expectations and entering an environment of fear and uncertainty.
Therefore, the winning of the presidential elections by Kulmiye Party was a win for democracy, nation spirit and solidarity, strength of character, ability to take moral responsibility, resilience and reappearance of hope. In fact, it was a great win for all peace & democracy loving Somalilanders.
The president of Somaliland Republic has been given a full mandate to serve the nation and
the national interest in the first place, and to act and operate according to the rule of law and
country’s constitution. The people of Somaliland had given the President the political capital
and the legislative means to do things better.
In his taking office, he inherited one of the most unfavourable socio-economical situations in our country. The State Treasury and the Bank were entirely looted by corrupt officials and senior figures of the former government, under the watchful eye and possibly the approval of the former President Mr. D. R. Kahin. The previous administration has systematically neglected or destroyed almost everything. The scale of the mistakes and negligence of the former government was all too apparent.
The former government left behind a bankrupt country, the economy and public sector was about to fall apart. No government department was functioning as it should have been. The public morale was very low and the confidence in government was at its lowest point ever. Unfortunately, the newly elected president had to start out almost everything from the scratch.
Immediately after taking office he understood clearly that he should make the necessary changes in the many areas where the Somaliland’s citizens were dissatisfied, which was in fact a necessary condition for the gaining the confidence of the public. One of the key priorities of the President was to win back people’s confidence, trust and belief in political system, in government as well as in democracy and social justice. He put together a Cabinet of all talents with strategic abilities and a clear policy agenda. He came up with new policy initiatives, a new government with new priorities based upon an effective, responsive and transparent Cabinet.
He started to combat and reverse the corruption and mismanagement that set in during Rayal’s administration. He created a sort contract between State & Citizens, based upon responsibilities as well as rights. He introduced many innovative ways of getting involving the mainstream of the society into development, politics and achieving of social objectives.
He is only 21 months in power but in different areas; such as education, foreign policy, healthcare, agriculture, defence, transport and water supply there are quite tangible and visible changes, improvement and achievements. We are witnessing that every government department is developing and progressing at an astonishingly fast pace.
A leader of the people, by the people and for the people
The noble people of Somaliland Republic are certainly aware of the fact that the leader of our nation has already demonstrated by his deeds, words and actions that he is:
A nation builder, not destroyer, a true democrat, not an autocrat with unlimited
power, active not passive. He is driven by fairness, compassion, devotion to duty, social justice and equality consistently applied to all community levels, not only to kith and kin or special inner circle interest groups.
President Ahmed Silaanyo is someone who is acutely aware of the historical facts of his country and people; someone who takes heed of the mistakes made in the past, learns the lessons from and then acts on them. Unlike his predecessor, the current president is someone who is very close to ordinary citizens. He has a high moral ground and he makes every effort to address people’s need than pushing his own profiteering, personal gain or self-enrichment.
For him, the interest of the country and the welfare and progress of the Somaliland citizens is of prime importance.
To all intents and purposes President Ahmed Silaanyo has demonstrated that he is far more than a tribal figure driven by clannish sentiments and political favouritism.
He has shown that he has a profound managerial insight, a capable crisis manger and someone with a collective leadership quality who can work with a range of people from different political and social background. In my opinion, the President of Somaliland Republic is a man of vision, a man of purpose who is determined to follow his will-power and belief. He is a man with strong convictions whose tend not to change despite the challenges and obstacles he might faces. The facts really do speak for themselves. Without any doubt, President Ahmed Silanyo is a leader of the people, by the people and for the people.
To the scare and hate mongers, sceptics and to all those who have the slightest doubts about the loyalty and patriotism of President Ahmed Silaanyyo towards his own country, I would say the following: Gone are the days when the political dynamics and public debates in Somaliland Republic were reduced to tit for tat sham process and narrow minded point-scoring policy in favour of certain interest groups, which were the main contributing factors that alienated the mainstream of the population of Somaliland Republic. Let us be mindful and not forget, let alone deny, that the current President is a seasoned nation hero and the leader of those martyrs of freedom fighters who liberated our country and laid down the roots and foundations of our most cherished asset, Sweet Homeland Somaliland Republic.
To those failed and incorrigible opposition politicians and their cohorts, someone should let them understand how nowadays the political art stabbing together; the political reality in Somaliland is not static; it is dynamic! They should know that today the political landscape of Somaliland is more and more divers and vibrant.
The leaders of opposition parties are consistently against the interests of their country and nation, and many doubt whether they have the slightest feeling for Somaliland’s cause.
Instead of conducting a well measured intellectual and more constructive debate or pursuing a decent and civilized political eloquence, as usual, they seek confrontation and recrimination approach and recurring despair attacks against the president of Somaliland and the government he leads. However, this kind of behaviour is the main factor that collectively contributed to their demise. They are now reaping the reward for being weak, amateur, inconsistent and controversial political party leaders.
President Ahmed Silaanyo has changed everything for the better at our country and he is dutifully committed to serve the country and people for his remaining time. However, the successes and achievements of President Ahmed Silaanyo should be for the Somaliland’s people to judge, evaluate and review. Off course responsibility entails accountability, that means that the President will be more accountable to the public and the people of Somaliland will hold him accountable for all his actions, deeds and policies as well as the consequences of them. It depends entirely on the President how he goes into the history and the way in which he will be remembered and recorded.
May ALLAH (SXWT) protect the true and genuine patriot!

Depressed Bin Laden thought about ‘al-Qaida’ name change, White House says

Ever wish you could escape your troubles by changing your name and moving away? Well, according to President Barack Obama's top counterterrorism adviser at the White House, Osama bin Laden knew the feeling.
Hunkered down in his Abbottabad compound, bin Laden anguished as al-Qaida suffered "disaster after disaster," encouraged its operatives to flee to areas "away from aircraft photography and bombardment" and even thought about changing the name of his notorious international terrorist network, John Brennan said in a speech on Monday.
Brennan, Obama's Assistant for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, told the World Wilson International Center for Scholars in Washington that bin Laden's pessimism was on full display in documents seized from his fortified home in the Pakistani garrison city.West Point's Combating Terrorism Center will display the papers this week.
Bin Laden worried about recruiting terrorist talent as U.S. strikes killed some of his veterans, fretting that "the rise of lower leaders who are not as experienced" would "lead to the repeat of mistakes," said Brennan.Al-Qaida's American-born public relations officer, Adam Gadahn, "admitted that they were now seen 'as a group that does not hesitate to take people's money by falsehood, detonating mosques [and] spilling the blood of scores of people,'" Brennan said in his prepared remarks.
Bin Laden himself "agreed that 'a large portion' of Muslims around the world 'have lost their trust' in al-Qaida," he continued.
"So damaged is al-Qaida's image that bin Laden even considered changing its name. And one of the reasons? As bin Laden said himself, U.S. officials 'have largely stopped using the phrase 'the war on terror' in the context of not wanting to provoke Muslims,'" said the U.S. official.
The core of Brennan's speech was a ringing defense of drone strikes at suspected terrorists, including American citizens abroad, which he called "legal, ethical and wise." Critics have called for greater judicial oversight of the process by which the U.S. government carries out targeted assassinations of Americans overseas.
And the United States reserves the right to pursue such attacks at any time and in any country in the world, he said. The attacks have drawn sharp criticisms from people in countries like Pakistan who regard them as outrageous violations of national sovereignty.
"As a matter of international law, the United States is in an armed conflict with al-Qaida, the Taliban and associated forces, in response to the 9/11 attacks, and we may also use force consistent with our inherent right of national self-defense," he said. "There is nothing in international law that bans the use of remotely piloted aircraft for this purpose or that prohibits us from using lethal force against our enemies outside of an active battlefield, at least when the country involved consents or is unable or unwilling to take action against the threat."
Brennan's remarks came as some Republicans ramped up criticisms of Obama's decision to use the raid that killed bin Laden as an argument for his own re-election.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

Muslim mob torches Khartoum church

KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — A Muslim mob has set ablaze a Catholic church frequented by Southern Sudanese in the capital Khartoum, witnesses and media reports said on Sunday.
The church in Khartoum's Al-Jiraif district was built on a disputed plot of land but the Saturday night incident appeared to be part of the fallout from ongoing hostilities between Sudan and South Sudan over control of an oil town on their ill-defined border.
Last week, South Sudanese troops seized Heglig, which the southerners call Panthou, sending Sudanese troops fleeing. The Khartoum government later claimed to have regained the town.
The witnesses and several newspapers said a mob of several hundreds shouting insults at southerners torched the church. Fire engines could not put out the fire, they added.
One newspaper, Al-Sahafah, said the church was part of a complex that included a school and dormitories. Ethiopian refugees living in the Sudanese capital also used the church.
The mostly Christian and animist South Sudan seceded from Sudan in 2011, some six years after a peace deal ended more than two decades of war between the two sides. But tens of thousands of southerners remain in Sudan, a legacy of the civil war that drove hundreds of thousands of them to seek relative safety in the north of what was then a single Sudanese nation.

How to delete yourself from the Internet

The Internet companies that power your online life know that data equals money, and they're becoming bolder about using that data to track you. If they get their way, your every online step would be not only irrevocable, but traceable back to you. Fortunately, there are some positive steps you can take to reclaim your online history for yourself. The online privacy software company Abine, which makes Do Not Track Plus, also offers a service called DeleteMe, which removes your data from numerous tracking sites and keeps it from coming back. In an unusual gesture, though, they've made public how to do for yourself everything that DeleteMe does. Here's my take on their advice.
Be warned, though. The following are not easy instructions, and it's not because they're technically complex. They require a tenacity and wherewithal that is likely to either exhaust you, drive you borderline bonkers, or both. (And no, I haven't followed the instructions to remove myself because it's essential to my job that I can be found by strangers.)
Step 1: Prepare yourself: You're going to have to be polite.
These instructions require patience for the antics of others and determination to get the job done. It's not a bad idea to get something inanimate to take your frustrations out on, because often getting your data successfully removed or changed will require the good faith of the person you're dealing with. Things are not likely to go your way the first time around.
Step 2: Aggressively track sites that aggressively track you.
This is where the DeleteMe service comes in. They currently charge you $99 to un-track you from the tracking data clearinghouses, which in turn sell your data to others entities. You can follow Abine's list of services and do the deed yourself, and that means writing many e-mails, sending numerous faxes, and placing enough phone calls to make you wish for a time machine so you can go back to the 19th century to do violence unto Alexander Graham Bell.
One thing that isn't clear from Abine's list is that most of these data aggregators will re-add you within a few months, so I recommend at least bi-annual checks to see if they've sucked up your data again. Be tenacious, be polite, and if this is important to you, stick with it until you get what you want. If you're concerned about privacy and people making connections between your birthday, your address, and your Social Security number, you owe it to yourself to perform at least one Web search for your name and see what comes up. You might be unpleasantly surprised.
Step 3: To protect your reputation, removal must be done from the source.
To get Google, Bing, and other search engines to notice a change in information as it is presented on the Web, the original site hosting that information must change. It doesn't matter which site is the source. It could be Facebook, or a local blog, or a gaming forum. If it's showing up in search results, it has little to do with the search engine and everything to do with the site of origin. Once that site has changed, then you'll see a change in the search results.
Getting something removed from a site is not a scientific process, even though you must be methodical about it. Ask politely, and as I noted above, you're likely to have to ask more than once and using more than one way to communicate. You likely will have to be a rake at the gates of Hell, but one that uses words like "please" and "thank you".
Look for the name of a writer, or Web site manager, and if no contact information is listed, do a WhoIs search by typing "whois". Be sure to include the quotes. That will tell you who registered the site, which is a good place to start on smaller Web sites. Look for phone numbers, e-mail, and fax numbers, and follow up your initial communication.

More on
Once you have a name, even if you can't find a phone number or e-mail, you can probably take an educated stab at one. Use a site like E-mail Format to help you out. And in your e-mail, be sure to explain clearly, concisely, and logically why your request ought to be honored.
A willingness to compromise can get you better results, too. If, for example, your initial request to fully remove your name gets refused, see if asking to have your identity anonymized will work. And if one person at the site you've contacted keeps stalling you, see if there's another you can contact instead.
Step 4: Get Google to hustle on search engine changes.
If you've been successful in changing a site, but Google is still showing the older version, you can use Google's URL Removal Tool to accelerate the process. Note that this will require a Google account, and that if you get Google to change, you're going to have to submit requests to other major search engines like Bing separately.
Step 5: Paint over the bad with good.
In cases where you can't get the site to remove the content that's negatively affecting your reputation, you can create new, fresh, positive content to counteract it. The idea is that the Positive You will bury the Negative You. Rick Santorum is a great example of how this can work in reverse, and no, I'm not going to link to it for you.
You can also use social-networking sites to bury bad news. From About.Me to Flickr to Twitter, social networks tend to rank highly in search results. By creating and maintaining accounts that use your real name, you can elevate the social networking results for your name and, ideally, drop the results you want to bury onto the second page of results. Since studies show that second-page results are viewed significantly less often than first-page, this could be a successful burying strategy.
However, a key component of this is linking the networks, so be prepared to do far more social networking than you had been.
Step 6: Go (politely) nuclear. Get a lawyer.
If you suspect something is actually defamatory, seek out legal advice. Gather your evidence, be polite and firm, and seek out someone who can guide you through the thorny legal thicket. This will also depend on your country -- England has much broader defamation and libel laws than the United States does -- and your budget.
My colleague Declan McCullagh noted a potential complication in hiring a lawyer: SLAPP laws. Although they vary from state to state, they all basically aim to prevent unsubstantiated legal threats. If you threaten someone, that person can turn around and sue you for attorneys fees and damages.
The bottom line:
There is no foolproof method for changing how you're presented on the Internet, whether looking at purely personally-identifiable data or the much more subjective presentation of your personal reputation. However, if these are concerns of yours, you're not alone out there, and these six steps will give you concrete actions you can take to reclaim your identity and repair how others see you.

Ururadii Hadhay Oo Tahli Waayay In Ay Ka Dhabeeyaan Wacadkii Ay Galeen iyo Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Oo Digniin Afka Ah U Diray Somaliland ayaa xoog ku hor istaagtay baaqii ay shalay taageerayaashooda u jeediyeen todoba urur siyaasadeed oo ka mid ah sagaalkii ay gudida diiwaangelinta ururadu shaacisay in ay ku hadheen tartankii ururadda siyaasadda.

Inta badan jidadka waaweyn ee Magaaladda Hargeysa iyo waliba nawaaxiga  xarunta madaxtooyadda Somaliland ayaa lagu arkayay ciidamo aad u tiro badan, kuwaas oo u darban dhaqdhaqaaqyadda siyaasadeed ee ururadaasi.
Baaqan ay shalay jeediyeen ururadii hadhay ayaa waxa ay ku sheegeen in ay saddex maalmood oo xidhiidh ahi dhigi doonaan banaanbaxyo ay kaga soo horjeedaan talabaada gudida diiwaan gelinta ururadda.
Sidoo kale wasiirka Arrimaha gudaha Somaliland Maxamed Nuur Caraale Duur oo u waramayay warbaahinta ayaa henjabaad aad u kulul u diray ururada waxaanu xusay in aanay dhici doonin wax mudaharaad ahi.
Mar uu la hadlayay ururadda hadhay waxa uu sheegay in ay yihiin kuwo dimuqraadiyadda iyo doorashooyinka dalka ku ah raad barad “ururadan hadhay waxay ahaayeen socod barad, waxaana la odhan karaa waxa ay ku hadheen oo reebay waa raad baradnimo, laakiin waxa keliya ee u furani waa in ay garnaqsi ka galaan, ka diidaana ha qarxo” ayuu yidhi.
Waxa uu ku hanjabay in aanay marnaba suurtogal ahayn in ay ururaddu wax talaabo ah qaadaan “Madaxweynaha aniga ayaa amniga dalka wakiil uga ah, mana ogolin wixii wax yeelaya umadda iyo dalkaba” ayuu  yidhi.

Saturday, 14 April 2012


Hargeysa (somaliland) Madaxweynaha Jamhuuriyada Somaliland Md. Axmed Maxamed Maxamuud (Siilaanyo) ayaa maanta khudbad dhinacyo badan taabanaysa ka jeediyay Furitaanka Golihii Dhexe ee Xisbiga Kulmiye.
Khudbadaas oo dhamaystiranina waxa ay u dhignayd sidan
Shirgudoonka Baarlamaanka, mudanayaasha labada Gole,
Wasiirada, Hogaanka Kulmiye, Xubnaha Golaha Dhexe ee Xisbiga, martisharafta, dadweynaha iyo saxaafadda. Waxan idinku salaamaya salaanta islaamka“Assalaamu calaykum waraxmatullaahi wa barakaatu”. 

Ugu horeyn, waxan salaan iyo mahadnaq u dirayaa dhamman shacbigaSomaliland gudo iyo dibedba, sidaas oo kale waxaan salaan iyo mahad-naq gaar ahu dirayaa xubnaha iyo taageerayaasha Xisbiga Kulmiye, waxaanan mar kale  uga mahad celinaya taageeradii joogtada ee aycodkooda, cudud-dooda, caqligooda iyo cuudkoodaba iigu hibeeyeen xilligiitartankii doorashada iyo ka dibba hogaaminta Qarankan, waxaanan idinkarajaynayaa inaad halkaa ka sii waddaan dadaalka, isku duubnida iyo illaalintadanta guud inta ay umaddani gaadhayso himiladeeda xisbigeenuna  uu ka noqonayo mid waara, wiilka, wiilkiisa ooaan la loodin karin.
Mudanayaal iyo Marwooyin, 

Xisbiga Kulmiye wuxuu u taagan yahayxaqiijinta himiladeena ummadeed, adkaynta nabadgelyada, midnimada bulshada,horumarinta dalka iyo jiritaanka Qarannimada Somaliland.
Xilligii ololaha doorashada, ballanteenuwaxay ahayd fulinta barnaamijkii siyaasadeed ee xisbiga marka aynu talada kuguulaysano.

Al-xamdu-lilaahi, illaahay wuuinagu guuleeyey, wax-qabadkii Xukuumada Kulmiye iyo halkii ay kasoo bilawdaywaxaad ka helaysaan buuga wax-qabadka ee la idiin qaybiyay, waxaana barbaryaalabuugii balanqaadyada Kulmiye oo aanu fulinay intiisii badnayd mudo labo sano kayar, iyadoo aanu Ballan-qaadyadaa fulintooda u soo kala horreeysiinay sidii ayu kala muhiimsanaayeen ee ay baahida dalku ahayd, isla-markaana ay awooddadhaqaale inoo saamaxaysay. 
1.    Aqoonsi Raadinta Qarannimada Somaliland iyo Siyaasada ArimahaDebeda: 
Waxaanu xil iska saarnay xaqiijinta iyo taabo-gelintamadax-banaanida Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland, oo ah sidii ay uga mid noqon lahaydbulshada caalamka, una heli lahayd aqoonsi buuxa. 
Waxaa hubaal ah in aanu arintan kasoo hoynay guulaan qarsoonayn, annagoo maanka ku hayna muhiimadda uumandaqadda u leeyahay xidhiidhka  sokeeyeee waddamada jaarku, bilowgiiba waxaanu safar shaqo ku tagnay Jamhuuriyada  aynu walaalaha nahay ee Jabuuti iyo dalkaItoobiya ee aynu saaxiibka nahay, halkaas oo si weyn naloogu soo dhaweeyay.
Waxaanu safar kaa la mid ah ku tagnaywadamada carabta sida: Imaaraadka, Kuwayt, Masar, iyo wadamada South Sudan iyoShiinaha. Waxaanu kulan khaas ah oo aan hore u dhicin   la yeelanay (Security Council) GollahaAmaanka ee Jamciyada quruumaha ka dhaxaysa (The Highest body). 
Waxaamarag-madoon ah in ay Somaliland qiimo wayn ugu fadhido guushii aynu kasoohoynay shirkii caalamiga ahaa ee London oo ahaa dhacdo taariikhi ah, waxaanayshirkaa dunidu ku go’aamisay in Somaliland iyo Soomaalya ay wada hadlaan, waanamadashii ugu horaysay ee mudo 50 sanadood ku siman ay beesha caalamku garwaaqsatayjiritaanka Jamhuuriyadda Somaliland (as an entity). 
Hadaba,Anigoo ku kalsoon in ay danteena iyo madax-banaanideenu ku jiraan isla markaanadhinaceena fulinaya go’aanka shirkaa London, waxaan magacaabay Shan (5) Wasiir ooLondon u tegaya go-gol xaadhka iyo diyaarinta qaabka wada hadalka kuwaas oohordhac u ah sidii aynu uga midhodhalin lahayn wada-hadalkii ay dunidu inoogubaaqday.  Waxaa ii qorshaysan in aan soosaaro gudi heer qaran ah oo diyaarisa istaraatiijiyada wada hadalka iyo qorshelagu midaysanyahay marka ay ku haboonaato, waxaynu ku guulaysankaraa marxaladkastana kaga gudbi karaa midnimo iyo isku-duubni. 
2.   Dhaqaalaha:
Dhaqaaluhuwaa laf dhabarta nolosha, waana dhidibada horumrka, anagoo ka duulaynaballantii xisbiga iyo masuuliyada naga saran umadii xilka noo igmatay, waxaanudardar gelinay kobcintii dhaqaalaha iyadoo sanadkii 2010 ee aan xilka lawareegay miisaaniyada qaranku ahayd $44,000,000 US Dollar, ayaanu sanadkii 2011 gaadhsiinay$86,000,000 US Dollar, iyadoo aanu sanankana odorosnay inay gaadho miisaaniyadu$110,000,000 US Dollar. 
Waxaanugobolada bariga ka bedalay lacagtii giimbaarta ahayd ee laga isticmaalijiray,taasoo wax weyn ku kordhisay dhaqaalaha dalka.
 Waxaynuku guulaysanay in aynu kasbano kalsoonida wadamada horuumaray taasoo keentay inay dawladaha Ingiriiska iyo Denmark billaabaan sidii ay Somaliland ugu samaynlahaayeen mucaawino khaas ah.
 Bulshokasta waxaa lagu qiimeeyaa waxa ay lasoo baxdo, anagoo dhiirigelinayna wax soosaarka, waxaanu dardargelinay dalaga iyo beeraha waxaana suura-gashay in markiiugu horaysay Bariis beereheena kasoo go’ay lagu cuno carigeena. Ganacsatada iyoShacbigaba waxan ugu baaqayaa in ay xooga saaraan dhiiri-gelinta, tacabka lagugaadhi karo in aynu dhulka wax-kala soo baxno.

3.   HorumarintaDimuquraadiyada: 
Anagooka duulayna ballanqaadkii Kulmiye ee ahaa kobcinta geedi-socodkadumuquraadiyada iyo in la ballaadhiyo saaxada siyaasada si loo helo tartancaafimaad-qaba iyo loollan ku dhisan saaxiibtinimo, waxaanu suuro-gelinay, Furashadaururada siyaasadeed iyo abuuridda gudida diiwaangalinta iyo ansixinta axsaabta.  Haddaba raga tartanka u xusul-duuban oo ay qaarkoodururo badani kasoo burbureen oo guuldaro badan soo joogay, waxaan leeyahay sisharafleh u tartama, qaranimada illaaliya, kubada laada oo idinku hais-laadina, saaxaddaa siyaasadda iyo saaxiibadiin ayaa tartan idinkadhexeeyaaye, eedayn aan jirin iyo afxumo cod laguma keenee, carrabkiina naxligaka dhawra, waxaana inoo ballan ah doorosho xora oo xalaal ah. 
4.    Arimaha Bulshada: 
Ballanqaadku waxa uu ahaain bulshada loo horseedo wax-barasho billaash ah si ay danyartu u hesho fursadla mid ah waxbarashada ay helaan kuwa ladani, waana lagu guulaysatay, wixiidhamaystir u baahana gacantaa lagu hayaa, waxaanan rajaynayaa in Somaliland ayka hana-qaadidoonto aqoontu. 
Waxaanu tallaabooyin waxku ool ah iyo wax la taaban karo ka qabanay dhinacyada kala duwan eecaafimaadka, iyadoo aanu dedaal gelinay fayo-qabka guud ee bulshada,cidhib-tirka cudurada faafa, horumarinta cusbataalada gobollada iyo degmooyinkaiyo kor u qaadida adeegyada caafimaadka,
Waxaa Hargeysa laga Billaabaydhismaha Cusbitaal weyn oo caalami ah.
Si dhallinyarada loodhiirigeliyo loogana badbaadiyo dhaqammada lidka ku ah horumarka bulshada,waxaanu ansixinay Siyaasada dhalinyarada Heer Qaran, waxaanu suuragelinay in ayka qayb-galaan doorashooyinka Dawladaha Hoose 25 jir iyo wixii kaweyn. Waxaanuqabanay ciyaarihii gobollada taasoo loo soo agaasimay si heer qaran ah kunadhamaatay guul.
Anigoofulinaya balan-qaadkii xisbiga, tixgelinna siinaya xuquuqda dadka laga tiradabadanyahay, waxaan gudi heer qaran ah u saaray inay daraasad ku sameeyaan kanasoo talo bixiyaan Beelaha laga tirada badan-yahay oo dhibaato ku qaboDoorashooyinka, wixii talo layla gartayna waxaanu u gudbinay Golayaasha Baarlamaanka,sidoo kale waxaanu shaqaalaynay 27 xubnood oo kasoo jeeda beelahaa, iyadoo dhawr iyo soddon arday ooka soo jeeda beelahaa ay xukuumadu ka bixisay kharashka waxbarashada heerjaamacadeed. 
5.    Cadaalada iyo Garsoorka: 
Sidii ku xusnaydbarnaamijkii xisbiga, xal u helida garsoorka iyo sugidda caddaalada, waxaanuqabanay kulan ballaadhan oo lagaga dooday isla markaana daraasad lagu sameeyayxaaladda caddaalada iyo garsoorka dalka, kulankaas oo ay u dhammaayeen, GudidaCaddaalada, Garsoorayaasha, Sharciyaqaanada, Xeer-ilaalinta, Culimada,madaxdhaqamedka iyo guud ahaanba intii lagu tuhunsanaa inay hawshaa wax ka tarikaraan. Anagoo ka shidaal qaadanayna wixii kasoo baxay cilmi-baadhistaa,waxaanu wax wayn ka qabanay nidaamkii garsoorka ee dalka.  
6.   Amaanka Qaranka: 
Waxaanuahmiyad siinnay ciidamada kala duwan ee Amaanka, Ciidanka Qaranka, Booliiskaiyo Asluubta si loo adkeeyo nabad-gelyada, difaaca Qaranka,  xoojinta nab-doonaanta Bulshada iyo kahortaga wixii Qaranka diintiisa, dhaqankiisa, dadkiisa iyo Dawlad-nimadiisawaxyeelo u keeni kara, anagoo arrintaa maanka ku haynana waxaanu laban-laabnaymushaharka ciidamada iyo dhaqaalaha kale ee loo baahan-yahay.
7.   Warbaahinta: 
Waxaanutayaynay guud ahaan warfaafinta iyo wacyigelinta, iyadoo TV-ga Qaranku uugaadhay daafaha dunida. Dhawaana waxa imanaysa oo Hawada gelidoonta Idaacadweyn oo uu Qaranku leeyahay taas oo Dalka oo dhan gaadhi doonta ama lagadhegaysan-doono.   
8.   Haweenka: 
DawladaKulmiye waxay dumarka siisay ahmiyad, iyadoo qayb fiican laga siiyay golahaxukuumada, Komishinada guud ahaana lagu qiyaaso inta xukuumadaydu shaqo siisay19.5%, waxaanan aaminsanahay inay tahay horumar aad u weyn. 
Waxaanusamaynay Taallada Xassuuta Halgankii SNM iyo Xarunta Kaydinta Taariikhdii Xorayntadalka, sidoo kale waxaanu abuurnay Xafiiska Isku-xidhka Qurba-jooga oo ayshaqadiisu tahay inuu isku xidho umadeen qurbaha daadsan, si loo mideeyocududooda. Waxaanu ka shaqaysiinay Hay’ada Illaalinta Tayada (Quality ControlCommission) oo muhiimad badan u leh Qaranka. 
9.   Sama-falka iyoMucaawinooyinka: 
Waxaanmaqlaa dad saxaafada u soo mariya oo xukuumada u soo jeediya dhaleecayn kusaabsan mucaawinooyinka, waxaa hubaal ah in dawladani ay la timi dedaal ay ku kasbatayin mucaawinooyin laxaad lihi wadankan yimaadaan, qaar badan oo aan laba arkijirin, oo dad gaara gacmahooda ku dhicijirayna la habeeyay, qaybinta iyo hadal-hayntubawaa intii Xukuumada Kulmiye jirtaye miyaynu hore u aragnay qoysas iyo xaafadoraashin iyo cunooyin kale loo qaybinayo. 
10.          Maamul-wanaaga iyo La-dagaalankamusuq-maasuqa: 
Siloo helo Qaran fayaw, loona illaaliyo hantida qaranka, waxaanu ka shaqaysiinayhay’ada distooriga ah ee Hanti-dhawrka Qaranka, waxaanu abuurnay Hay’ada Maamulwanaaga iyo La-dagaalanka Musuq-maasuqa, waxaana la baadhay Dawladaha Hoose eeHargeysa, Burco, Bebera, Gebilay iyo Boorame, waxaa Hanti-dhawrku baadhaydhamaan wasaaradaha iyo gaar ahaan wasiirada oo ah halkii xukuumada ugusaraysay, waxaan loo xidhay eedo musumaasuq masuuliyiin iyo shaqaale badantaasina waxay marag ka tahay in dawladani tahay dawladii maamul-wanaaga iyo ladagaalanka musuqmaasuqa, miyay dhacday baadhitaan laxaadkaa leh oo hortayo lagusameeyay laamaha dawlada? miyay dhacday cid weligeed loo xidhay musuq-maasuq? waxaanleeyahay dadka eedaha iyo dhalliisha uun meelahaa la taagan indhihiinu wanaagaha arkaan dhegihiinana samaha u fura. 
Ugudanbayn; iyadoo ay xusuustayda ku dheertahay dadkii kala duwanaa ee illaagumaystihii, qarankan usoo halgamayay, waxaan munaasibadan darteed halkan kaxusayaa halyaydii, iyo madaalayaashii naftooda u soo huray dhismaha iyojiritaanka Qaranka Somaliland, iyo sidoo kale halgamayaashii Xisbiga Kulmiye ooay ka mid ahaayeen ALLE ha u naxariistee    Keyse,Cali Maarshaal, Yusuf Tuke, Daauud Maxamed Geele, waxaanan illaahay ugabaryayaa isaga iyo geesiyada kale ee aanan xusinba in uu naxariistii janno kawaraabiyo, ubadkii, eheladii iyo bulshadii reer Kulmiyena waan ka tacsiyaynayaa.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Chinese teenager sells kidney to buy iPhone, iPad; authorities charge 5 people

BEIJING, China - Authorities have indicted five people in central China for involvement in illegal organ trading after a teenager sold one of his kidneys to buy an iPhone and an iPad.
The case has prompted an outpouring of concern that not enough is being done to guard against the negative impact of increasing consumerism in Chinese society, particularly among young people who have grown up with more creature comforts than the generations before them.
Prosecutors in the city of Chenzhou charged the suspects with intentional injury for organizing the removal and transplant of a kidney from a 17-year-old high school student surnamed Wang, the official Xinhua News Agency said late Friday.
A woman on duty Saturday at the Chenzhou Beihu District People's Procuratorate in Hunan province confirmed that prosecutors are handling the case and that the defendants are facing charges of intentional injury.
She refused to give her name and referred further questions to the city-level procuratorate's media office, where phone calls rang unanswered.
The defendants include a surgeon, a hospital contractor, and brokers who looked for donors online and leased an operating room to conduct the procedure, Xinhua said.
It said about 1.5 million people in China need organ transplants, but that only about 10,000 transplants are performed each year, fueling the illegal trade in organs.
Xinhua described one of the defendants named He Wei as being broke and frustrated over gambling debts. It said he asked another defendant to look for organ donors in online chat rooms and someone else to lease an operating room for the transplant, which took place in April last year.
He received 220,000 yuan ($35,000) for the transplant, gave the student 22,000 yuan ($3,500) and shared the remaining money with the other defendants and several medical staff involved in the operation, Xinhua said.
When the student returned home, he was asked how he could afford a new iPhone and an iPad and he told his mother that he sold one of his kidneys, the report said.
The Southern Daily newspaper reported last month that other individuals have sold, or seriously considered selling, their kidneys to earn money for reasons that included paying off large debts, making a payment on a smartphone, or paying for an abortion for a girlfriend.
"Without facing complete hardship, these young people born after the 1990s made rash decisions. In the choice between their bodies and materialism, they resolutely chose the latter," the official Communist Party newspaper Guangming Daily said in an editorial late last month about the Southern Daily report.
"In today's society where desires are infinite and demands are boundless ... blindly competing with others in the pursuit of high-end 'technology' will gradually ruin lives," it said.

Saturday, 7 April 2012

First 'Alien Earth' May Be Found by 2014

The first true "alien Earth" will likely be discovered in the next two years, a NASA scientist says.
Astronomers have found more than 750 alien planets to date, and NASA's Kepler Space Telescope has flagged 2,300 additional "candidates" awaiting confirmation by follow-up studies. This haul has not yet included an Earth-like exoplanet — one that's the size of our planet and orbits at the right distance from its star to support liquid water and, possibly, life as we know it.
But that could change soon, according to Shawn Domagal-Goldman, a researcher at NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. who specializes in exoplanet biology.
"I believe Kepler will find a 'Goldilocks planet' within the next two years," Domagal-Goldman said in a statement. "We'll be able to point at a specific star in the night sky and say 'There it is — a planet that could support life!'" [Video: How to Find Earth's Alien Twin]

Friday, 6 April 2012

Facebook with pirate flair

Do you have a Facebook profile? Of course you do. It seems like nearly everyone you meet these days has a digital persona to compliment the real-life counterpart, but after spending countless hours curating your virtual life online, the site can seem a little bland. Thankfully, the world's most popular social network has a hidden treat to make your browsing experience unique: ridiculous language settings.
From your main Facebook account page, click on the small, downward-pointing arrow on the blue bar on the top of the window. A small menu should pop up. From there, click "Account Settings" and then the "Language" tab at the very bottom. Here you'll find pretty much every language under the sun, as well as two bonus English settings named "Upside Down" and "Pirate."
The upside down setting does exactly what you would expect: it flips all the text on your screen, making it somewhat difficult to decipher but still readable. The pirate setting is most definitely the coolest of the pair, as it switches all your Facebook menu and notification prompts to pirate speak! "In a relationship" becomes "Spoken for," "Add a Photo" becomes "Hoist a portrait," and even your timeline will be measured not in days or weeks but in "Shots 'o rum" and "turns o' yer hourglass

Thursday, 5 April 2012

International News Somaliland: Four French Nationals Deported Back To Djibouti

(Somalilandpress) Somaliland immigration agents are holding four illegal aliens who crossed into Somaliland illegally. The four illegal aliens who are French nationals although they did not have any documents with them during their arrest, they were caught when they sneaked into Somaliland from neighboring Djibouti.
Somaliland immigration agents had spotted the car as it tried to avoid Somaliland border crossing point in Lawyo-Ado crossing point.
The agent decide to pursue the suspicious vehicle and it is occupants, when we order them to stop , they ignored the order and tried to escape, the ensuing pursuit came to an end when their car dived into a ditch, that is when they were arrested and their car searched no weapons were found, only copies of Holy Quran. According to the commanding officer of Saylac police Mr. Ismael Abaade, who confirmed that the four French nationals, three men and one woman, two were of Senegalese origins and all claiming to belong to the Muslim faith are currently in our custody.
The officer in-charge said when we interrogated them, they revealed the reason they crossed into Somaliland was because of a standing deportation order issued by Djiboutian authority for their deportation which was that afternoon (Wednesday).
When asked them why they did not carry any document with, they said their documents were confiscated when we enquired why the authorities back into Djibouti were bound to deport them, they had this to say, we did nothing wrong back in Djibouti apart from enjoy our holiday and visit our friends who live in Djibouti, and that they had entered Djibouti with tourists visas one month ago.
They also told us said the officer in-charge, when they tried to enquire the reason of their deportation, they were told had being engaged in activities contrarily to their visa requirement which automatically elevated their status to persona non grata hence the revoking their visas with immediate effect. As of 5:30 P.M on Thursday, the governor of Salal region Mr. Mohamed Musa Bouni handed over the four French nationals and their car back to Djiboutian officials at the Lawyo-Ado border crossing point.


Hargeysa - Dawladda Hoose ee Caasimadda Hargeysa ayaa maanta wareejisay shirkadda maxaliga ah ee DHIS  oo iyadu gacanta ku haysay masuuliyada hawsha qashin ururinta laba degmo oo ka mid ah sadex degmo oo ku yaala Magaalada Hargeysa.

Taas oo qandaraas hore loogu siisay inay ka shaqayso fayo-dhawrka degmooyinka kala ah 26 June, Ibraahim Koodbuur iyo Gacan-libaax ee Caasimada, waxaanay imika dawlada hoose shirkadda Dhis xil saartay oo qudha khashin ururinta degmadda 26- June,iyada ay laba shirkadood oo cusub oo kala ah TAABSAN iyo KEEPS ay u kala xil saaray khashin ururinta degmooyinka Gacan-libaax iyo Ibraahim-Koodbuur.
Munaasibadii shirkadahaasi loogu kala wareejinayay hawsha ay wada haysay shirkadda Dhis waxa ka soo qeyb galay Xoghayaha Fulinta dawladda Hoose Hargeysa Mawliid Waris Cabdilaahi, Agaasimeyaasha waaxaha arrimaha bulshadda iyo Gaadiidka iyo Guddoomiyeyaasha sadexdaasi shirkadoood.
Agaasimaha waaxda Arrimaha bulshadda iyo Caafimaadka Dawladda Hoose Khadar Yuusuf Cali oo halkaasi ka hadlay ayaa sheegay in dawladda Hoose ay go’aansatay si loo dar-dar geliyo caafimaadka iyo bilicda caasimadda Hargeysa in hawshii shirkadda DHIS ay wada haysay qeyb la siiyo laba shirkadood oo kale.
Md. Khadar Yuusuf waxa uu sheegay  in shirkadda Dhis ay ku baahday oo ay tahli wayday inay sidii la rabay uga soo dhalaasho khashin ururinta sadexda degmo ee Gacan-libaax, 26ka June iyo Ibraahim Koodbuur, sidaasi darteedna lagu wareejiyay khashin ururintii degmada Gacan-libaax Shirkadda Taabsan, halka degmadda Ibraahim Koodbuurna lagu siiyay qandaraas shirkadda Keeps.
Khadar Yuusuf waxa uu ugu baaqay Shirkadaha ururinta qashinka inay si weyn isu xil-saaraan oo ay xakameeyaan khashinka magaaladda, “Waxaan u soo jeedinayaa  inay inta aan la gaadhin xili roobaadka ay nadiifiyaan degmooyinka qandaraaska lagu siiyay shirkadaha cusub.”Ayuu yidhi Khadar
Guddoomiyaha Shirkadda DHIS Mahdi Cismaan Buuri oo ka hadlay kulankaasi ayaa sheegay inay ku faraxsan yihiin masuuliyadda culus ee laga dul qaaday, waxaanu si weyn ugu mahad celiyay dawladda Hoose oo uu tilmaamay inay si weyn ula soo shaqeysay kana caawisay dhinaca Gaadiidka khashinka.
Mahdi Cismaan Buuri waxa kale oo uu Dawladda Hoose ku ammaanay inay kab lacageed siin jirtay si ay daboolaan adeega xasaasiga ah ee ay dawladda Hoose qandaraaska ku siisay.
Guddoomiyaha Shirkadda Dhis waxa uu balan qaaday inay ku dedaali doonaan inay ka soo baxaan masuuliyadda degmadda loo xil saaray inay ka ururiyaan khashinka.
Xoghayaha Dawladda Hoose ee Hargeysa Mawliid Waris Cabdilaahi oo ka hadlay kulankaasi ayaa sheegay in Golaha deegaanku go’aamiyay in labada degmo ee gacan-libaax iyo Ibraahim Kood-buur la siiyo labada shirkadood ee Taabsan iyo Keeps oo uu xusay inay ku guulaysteen tartan loo galay qandaraaska fayo-dhawrka degmooyinkaasi. Waxaanu intaas ku daray inay labadan shirkadood ay ku doorteen qalabkooda iyo kartida ay u leeyihiin inay daboolaan hawsha loo xil saaray.
“Arrinta khashinku waxay ahayd culaysyadda jiray ee dhinaca bilicda ka haystay dawladda Hoose, waxaana labadan shirkadood ay ku soo baxeen tartan loo galay waxaanan ku qaadanay markii aanu qiimaynay qalabkooda iyo awoodooda,”ayuu yidhi Mawliid Waris.
“Waxaan ku dardaarayaa dhammaan shirkadaha ka hawl-gala khashinku inay ka soo baxaan masuuliyadooda iyo adeega ay dawladda Hoose qandaraaska ku siisay.”Ayuu yidhi Xoghayuhu waxaanu sheegay inay shirkadda Dhis ay labadan shirkadood ee cusub ku wareejinayso wixii agab iyo gaadiid ah ee loogu tallo galay in loogu adeego degmooyinka Ibraahim Koodbuur iyo Gacan[-libaax.
Mawliid Waris waxa kale oo uu si qoto dheer uga waramay hawl-galkii ay dawladda Hoose ku banaysay jidadka faras-magaalaha Hargeysa, waxaanu tilmaamay inay qeyb ka tahay qorshe balaadhan oo kor loogu qaadayo bilicda caasimadda,
Yuusuf Xuseen Iyo Cumar Sh. Cabdilaahi oo iyaguna ka kala socday shirkadah Taabsan iyo Keeps waxaanay balan qaadeen inay dedaal weyn u geli doonaan sidii ay ula tacaali lahaayeen khashinka labada degmo ee qandaraaska lagu siiyay waxaanay dawladda Hoose uga mahad celiyeen siday shirkadaha wadaniga ah uga qeyb gelinayso fulinta adeegyadda bulshadda.
Waxaanay talaabadan u qaaday markii shirkadda Dhis ay dabooli kari wayday fayo-dhawrka iyo khashinka sadexdaasi degmo.